We are TY Class Cornaro. This is our NGO blog. We aim to raise awareness for women and girls.


Hi I'm Ailbhe and I am one of the Volunteers as part my work I have helped with the showing with the girl rising movie and the survey but my main job has been designing setting up and editing and posting in this blog here!

Hi I'm Katie and I am one of the Volunteers in our mini N.G.O, Cailíní Saor. From the moment we set up our N.G.O, we have been extremely busy with fundraising, brainstorming and raising awareness. A few months ago, we came across a documentary film called "Girl Rising". This film became the inspiration for our N.G.O. 
We decided have an awareness week for the 66 million girls around the world who are currently out of education. As part of our awareness week, we put various posters up around the school for students to see. We also organised for the second years to come to the demo room at lunch time to watch the story of one of the girls in "Girl Rising".  As volunteers, our job was to go and visit each of the second year classes and tell them about our awareness week. We showed them the trailer of the "Girl Rising" and told them about where and when we would be showing the movie. 
We showed the story of Suma, a young girl from Nepal. Suma was a Kalamari from a very young age. She was made to go and work as a slave as her parents could not afford to keep her alive.

Hi I'm Róisín and I'm a volunteer in our NGO. One of my jobs was to help design tickets to give out to the second year students for entry into the screening. I also gave out the tickets at break time, as only a certain amount of students can fit in the Demo room. When the girls were going in at lunch I tore off half of their ticket, so we could count how many people were at the screening afterwards. We are also sending letters to TDs and local politicians. I was in the group who composed this letter. In it we explained about the NGO, our vision and our blog. Hopefully this will make ministers more aware of the situation in the world of educating girls, and inspire them to take action and also ensure that Millennium Development Goal 2 is met on time - Achieve Universal Primary Education. On Monday 7th April we had a woman in from Plan Ireland to talk to us about educating girls in the developing world. The talk was extremely interesting. We watched a short documentary called 13, And A Bride, about a girl in Niger who was to be married at 13. 

Hi I'm Shauna of the Volunteers onTuesday, the 28th of January, our class group organised for the second years to come to the demo room to watch the movie 'Girl Rising'. We got them to come at lunch time and we provided popcorn and surveys. The questions on the surveys were to do with posters that we stuck up around the school. We watched Sumas story, she is a young girl from Nepal, Nepal is bordering India. She was a kamalari from a very young age. A kamalari was a young girl who went to work in other families houses. She was made go work for other families mainly because she was a girl and her mother and father wanted her to have a place to live and be provided with food and drink. They had a 'master' who would boss them around and make them do all the chores around the house. Suma did not attend school but at one of her masters house there was a man there who was a teacher, the family agreed to send Suma to night classes where some of the other kamalaries would go and they would talk about what life as a  kamalarie was like. Suma seemed to really enjoy these night classes as it was the only chance she had to get some sort of an education. Suma had a few masters as she worked in many houses, they made her get up at the early hours of the morning and clean the dishes, the floors, the windows etc.

The second years seemed to enjoy watching it and really enjoyed their popcorn, coming from the noise they made with the popcorn bags. The movie started at half one and ended at two.
            I hope they learned much about the life Suma had and are aware of the life some young girls have n the developing countries and how lucky the are to get a good proper education.

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